Privacy and Security Statement

This is not a legally binding document. It is for informational purposes only.

Connection to external services

Smash Hit™ Blender® Tools developers do not store personal information unless you explicitly provide it to us; however, there are some features of Blender Tools that connect to the internet which may collect personally identifiable information:

Automatic update security issues reporting

There has currently been no external security audit. If you find an issue or want to preform an audit, please report it to one of the following:

If you send an email or DM about non-security related issues, you will most likely be blocked. Please keep discussion public unless it is sensitive.

Hosting or creating local network services

There are also features which require hosting a webserver, which might be exposed to the public if your network is configured incorrectly:

Disabling parts of Blender Tools that use network connectivity

It is possible to disable parts of Blender Tools that require network connections. Please see the below sections for information on how to disable these features.

For version 2.1.0 and later

Go to the Blender Addon Preferences (EditAdd ons), then find Smash Hit Tools. You can find options to disable and enable the update notifier, the auto-updater and the quick test server.

Previous versions

Please see Disable Quick Test and/or Updater on 2.0.x.

Disable Quick Test and/or Updater on 2.0.x

Disable the quick test server (before 2.1.0)

If you would like to disable the quick test server:

You will need to do this every time you update Blender Tools.

Disable the update notifier (before 2.1.0)

If you would like to disable the update notifier:

You will need to do this every time you update Blender Tools.

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